Not sure what to pack into your hospital bag?
Do you have special needs and you are not sure how to handle them during your labor?
Or are you wondering what cosmetics to pack?
Is there anything that can make your childbearing easier?
Especially for our clients
we started a cooperation with experienced doula
Helena Bielawska.
Helena assisted during numerous labors
she used hundreds of hospital bags.
Has been in the labor business for 10 years
Here you can ask her a question:
My name is Helna Bielawska and I have been supporting women in their childbearing for years. I officially became a doula in 2011 after completing a course in the “Rodzić po Ludzku” Foundation. Shortly afterwards I became founder of the Assotiation Doula in Poland. I have been improving my qualifications and enhancing my knowledge during numerous courses and workshops.
I’m a sociologist fascinated with the concept of the Attachment Parenting and an expert in the relation-based parenting. Due to my experience of being a single mother I also specialize in supporting women who separated. For a dozen of years, I have been supporting women and their families by accompanying them during their pregnancy, labor and post-partum period. I strongly believe in the natural women’s competence and power that enable them to become the best mothers for their children. All my actions are based on my knowledge and experience and help to discover the inner power and causality, but also give the sense of attendance and care. I create unique connections with women thus I’m able to respond to their needs and stay close on the most intimate moments.
I believe that the childbirth changes the women forever. Thanks to the preparations and support we can make it an empowering and good experience. I professionally cooperate with Agnieszka Stein, Anna Czereszewska, Małgorzata Jackowska and Marta Sikorska. I supported the summer camp in Pasikonie. I regularly run workshops for the Foundation of creative Education. I completed the courses of “Active Birthing Class” and “The analysis of the prenatal attachment”. After years of working with women I created a brand “Matka w centrum” which aim is to celebrate the motherhood and taking care of the needs of mothers and women who put so much effort into the raising and taking care of their offspring.